UK must ditch hydrogen for home heating

UK must ditch hydrogen for home heating

Decarbonising UK’s Heating Systems: A Path to Net Zero In this enlightening episode of the 100 Days of Labour podcast,…

Past Leaders Ignored Tough Net Zero Talks

Past Leaders Ignored Tough Net Zero Talks

Policy researcher Rosa Hodgkin emphasised the importance of open dialogue to progress towards achieving net zero targets. She highlighted the…

UK aims for net zero grid by 2030: “Challenging, but achievable”

UK aims for net zero grid by 2030: “Challenging, but achievable”

Join us as we delve into the latest developments in the UK’s energy policy in a riveting 100 Days of…

How Supply Chain Impacts Business Emissions

How Supply Chain Impacts Business Emissions

Monday 10 June 2024 Matteo Deidda, the Supply Chain Senior Sustainability Manager at Lloyds Banking Group, highlighted the importance of…