Prepare for switch to Universal Credit, Scots told.

Attention all Scottish benefits claimants! It’s time to take action as a crucial date looms for the transition to Universal Credit. Advice Direct Scotland is sounding the alarm, urging households to gear up for changes as the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) continues its migration of individuals to the single-payment system.

Universal Credit, the new system gradually phasing out six legacy benefits and tax credits, necessitates timely applications to avoid sudden payment disruptions. In the latest phase, recipients of Income-based Jobseekers Allowance (JSA) will receive migration notices in September. Moreover, letters are being dispatched to tax credit claimants reaching state pension age, prompting them to apply for Universal Credit or Pension Credit based on their circumstances.

It’s crucial to note that the switch to Universal Credit is not automated, and claimants must apply within the specified deadline in their migration notice to avoid payment cessation. Those unable to apply by the deadline can request an extension from the DWP before the indicated date. Advice Direct Scotland stresses the importance of monitoring mail diligently to prevent overlooking or discarding vital correspondence. Applications can be submitted online, via phone at 0800 169 0328, or in person at a local JobCentre.

For individuals receiving less on Universal Credit than their previous benefits, transitional protection payments aim to bridge the gap. To qualify, recipients must have received a migration notice and applied by the stated deadline. Universal Credit payments are typically monthly, with the option in Scotland to request bi-monthly payments and direct payments to landlords. It’s crucial for those accustomed to weekly or fortnightly payments to review their finances before the switch and consider altering payment frequency while setting aside funds for the transition.

Feeling anxious or uncertain? Reach out to’s benefits advisers for guidance on claiming entitled support and alleviating worries. Call 0808 800 9060 (Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm) or visit for assistance. Benefit from Advice Direct Scotland’s online benefits calculator to assess eligibility for devolved and reserved benefits.

Conor Forbes, policy director at Advice Direct Scotland, stated, “With countless Scots receiving notification of the Universal Credit transition, it’s paramount they grasp the upcoming changes and implications. The escalating cost-of-living crisis and surges in energy prices are straining household budgets, underscoring the need to access all entitled support.

“Remember, the shift to Universal Credit isn’t automatic. Upon receiving migration notices, utilise the three-month window to prepare and apply for Universal Credit and potential transitional protection. Don’t hesitate to seek help if confused or anxious. Advice Direct Scotland’s experts are on hand to provide free assistance to all, irrespective of personal circumstances.”

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