Chartered Institute of Housing to Create New EDI Board

The Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) is taking a step towards greater equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) by establishing a new EDI board. This move is a testament to the organisation’s dedication to enhancing EDI within its own structure, as well as throughout the housing sector as a whole.

The primary focus of this board will be to support CIH’s existing efforts in promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion, while also playing a crucial role in determining the future strategic direction of all EDI-related activities within CIH.

Callum Chomczuk, the EDI lead at CIH and the national director of CIH Scotland, emphasised the importance of this initiative, stating, “While progress has been made in recent years, the establishment of an EDI board is critical for driving continuous improvements within CIH and the wider profession.”

Chomczuk further added, “For the success of this board, we are seeking input from individuals in the sector. We aim for our new EDI board to be representative of the profession’s diversity, as well as reflecting the various nations and regions of the UK. I urge those who are passionate about EDI and wish to contribute to the future of EDI in the housing profession to submit their applications.”

If you are interested in being part of this significant initiative, applications are currently being accepted until 20 September. For more information and details on how to apply, you can access the application pack on CIH’s website.

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